Bar Solder

Bar Solder


Bar solders are composed of pure metal or metal alloys that are melted down to fuse interconnecting pipes, joints or metal components. Bar solders are resistant to both oxidation and corrosion.

As a leading solder supplier, Canada Metal offers a diverse variety of high purity lead- and tin-based solder products, including pure tin bar, 50/50 and other alloy compositions. We also produce specific alloys such as copper-lead, antimonial lead and other application-specific alloys on client request.

Browse our selection of standard alloys below and contact us today with your requirements.

1 lb bar of standard alloys in stock. 5 lb, 10 lb and custom formats available on request.
Commercial Marine, Plumbing, Oil & Gas, Aerospace, Electroplating, Defense, Utilities, Nuclear, Metal Smelting and Refining.
%Tin %Lead %Antimony Solidus (F) Liquidus (F) Tensile Str.
100 603 621 1900
30 70 362 490 6140
40 60 362 460 6320
50 50 362 420 6450
60 40 362 375 6400
95 5 450 464 5900

Custom alloys available on request.

Comments or questions are welcome.

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